Friday, September 20, 2024

On Medium: Four Strains of Conservative Medievalism

Read on about what religious, libertarian, neoconservative, and traditional conservatives have in common, and the liberal's elite, possibly doomed social benchmarks.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

On Medium: Has Christian History Been a Unique Benefit?

Read on about Christianity’s impacts on history, and whether Christianity improved the West more than natural and secular norms compromised and tainted this religion.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

On Medium: American Conservatives Keep Hiding Their Medieval Prejudices

Read on about the subterfuge in Heritage’s definition of “conservatism,” and why American conservatives hide their medieval, prejudices behind modern liberal language.

On Medium: None of Our Worldviews Matters to the Cosmos

Here's an article about the threat of epistemological nihilism to the meaningfulness and dignity of our worldviews, in the scope of deep space and time.

Friday, September 13, 2024

On Medium: The Libertarian’s Sanctification of Capitalism

Here's an article about libertarianism's sanctification of capitalism, and Murray Rothbard’s faith-based construal of the Progressive Era.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

On Medium: Christians Downplay the Need to Fear a Monstrous God

Read on about Jewish counterculture, subversive monotheism, and the implications of the need to fear the Judeo-Christian God.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

On Medium: Conservativism Began with Edmund Burke’s Fallacies

Read on about Edmund Burke's foundational sophistries for conservatism, and how this political pseudo-philosophy has been muddled and sophistical ever since that period.

Monday, September 9, 2024

On Medium: Is Life an Absurd Game?

Read on about the question of life’s meaning, and how philosophy reconciles the possible nihilistic implications of science with the naïve sense of our self-worth.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Eleventh Anthology on Amazon: Mirages in the Cosmic Wasteland

My eleventh anthology is available now on Amazon in paperback and eBook. Over 500 pages, it's called "Mirages in the Cosmic Wasteland," and it focusses on philosophy and religion. The twelfth anthology, focusing on society and politics is on the way.

Friday, September 6, 2024

On Medium: What’s the Fastest Way to Forge an Intergalactic Empire?

Here's an article about alt-right resentment, and the Western conflict between feminine, relatively superficial, and masculine, sci-fi senses of social progress.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

On Medium: Who is Humbler, Theists or Atheists?

Read on about whether theists or atheists have more pride or humility in arguing about God's existence, according to the Catholic apologist Brian Holdsworth.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

On Medium: The Sci-Fi Allure of Curtis Yarvin’s Anarcho-Capitalism

Read on about whether Curtis Yarvin's New Right political principles--timelessness, neutrality, vitality, realism, and absolutism--are incoherent, neomedieval, or both.

On Medium: The Orwellian Gambit of Christian Nationalism

Here's an article about Russell Vought’s ruse for imposing a Christian theocracy on America, including his weaselly way of redefining the key terms so his view seems coherent.