Rashad, also known as the Cackler, is an old homeless man
who has wandered North America for decades and is notorious for his stream of
diatribes on a wide range of subjects. He appears in my novel God Decays. This is the second in a series of his collected works of dark prose poetry,
which his acolytes across the continent record for posterity.
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I was sleeping on an airport bench and was rudely awoken by
a wall-mounted television screen playing a CNN interview with an American
politician. I had to scramble to avoid being infected by the politico’s anticommunication
and hit my head as I rolled off the bench. What a cruel joke the mob plays on
itself by electing cynics to office and then standing by to degrade itself as it
watches the farce play out on the news! As if anyone with much more power than
you is worth listening to even for a moment; as if he’d level with you, telling
you what you need or deserve to know, instead of taking advantage of your
weakness. The pundits and journalists feed off politicians like vampires: they’re
content to betray their journalistic principles as long as they can be physically
near the powers and principalities, to imbibe their inhuman energies, the officeholder’s
sociopathy converting into the reporter’s pretense of savviness. It’s a game
for the courtiers to play with the crowd that needs to forget its child emperor
is running around with no clothes on. Are you one of the ignorant sheeple, fast
asleep in your collective psychosis? If you are, you’ll flock to your TV or
your Facebook page for the political news, to hear the latest empty sound bite from
one of the monsters in charge. If instead you’re a savvy member of the
corporate media, who has the stomach for a degree of cynicism that can only
fall short of the politician’s, you’ll fawn over the monsters to earn your
paycheck, but you’ll pride yourself on being different from the mob. You know
better than the gullible viewers; you’re privy to the dreadful secret of
democracy. You’ll send out obnoxious signals to the viewers that even though
you’re in league with the inhuman demagogues, providing the platform for them
to degrade the public discourse with their doubletalk, sophistry, pandering,
platitudes, fake statistics, and spins, you’re halfway as cynical as the
leaders and so naturally you’re not personally buying any part of what they’re
saying. You see through it all and can pick it apart with your insider analysis.
You keep it real to enlighten the viewer, so you can face yourself in the
mirror and pretend that you’re performing a service for the good of democracy,
that a functioning free society is worth having, in which case the voters must
be kept informed. So you inform them as much as your limited cynicism will
allow. You peel back the curtain only part of the way, because if you could see
the whole truth you’d be as crooked as the elected officials. You’d be a player
like them, a predator competing for power with your share of dark energy and
attracting know-nothing followers in the petty betrayals that pass for honourable
conflicts between the emasculated, civilized leaders of a democracy. Instead,
you’re a functionary, a useful idiot whose outsized ego the leaders know how to
stroke so that you sell the viewers out in spite of yourself as you bend to
your masters’ will, lobbing them softball questions instead of shutting down
the matrix. Where do politicians go to learn how to speak like a politician? Is
there a secret school somewhere hidden from the rest of the world, like
Hogwarts? Where do the ambitious snakes learn how to conceal the depth of their
misanthropy? What textbook instructs them how to pretend to uphold the ideals
of America’s noble lies, to seem like selfless statesmen who respect their
constituents? And how toxic and soulless must our leaders nevertheless be for their
contempt to spill out in spite of all those self-defenses! What discipline they
must have to endure the fraud of making public statements to millions of
people, each of whom they despise, to flatter the masses even as the vacuity or
dishonesty of their rhetoric reveals that they are, of course, just traitors.
There’s no such secret Machiavellian Institute. The predators are born among
us. They’re mainly the popular alpha male bullies in high school, the ones who get
all the girls and whose rich parents gift them all the toys, the elites
driven to join the impotent student council not by anything as insipid as love
for the school, but by their contempt for the majority that never shows any
interest in leadership. Their extracurricular activities are so many bogus
displays of a well-rounded character, so many disguises for the little psychopaths
as they begin to take their first steps across the backs of their inferiors.
They fudge their résumé, filling it with bureaucratic business-speak that
sounds like it was written by a robot not programmed for human warm-heartedness.
And they use their good looks and psycho charisma to fail upward until they’re
in position to test the strength of their resentment in an election for high
office. If they can prove they secretly hate the other citizens more than their
rival parasites can, they’re awarded with the power of that office. And so
their journey to the dark side is complete. And all the while the voters cling
to the lies spewed by these charlatans—not because they have any interest in
policies and not even because they respect their elected representative. No,
the political theater provides the masses only infotainment and an excuse to
feel like they, too, are discharging their obligations as free citizens.
They’re riveted by the fake political scandals that the corporate media thrive on, because superficial political conflict can play out like a slow-motion
disaster movie or a wrestling match, which the consumers are trained to favour.
But these free citizens are engaged and informed all year round, because
they’ve decided to shoot themselves in the foot whenever they listen to what
the politicians and corporate media tell them, instead of running for the exits
at the first sign of their disinformation. Anyone who voluntarily listens to a single sentence spoken in public by a politician thereby commits a crime against humanity. It’s not a question of thinking critically
about your sources of information. Merely being there at the receiving end of
the politico’s inhumanity is bad enough; merely participating in the charade is
dehumanizing. Nothing of value is ever learned from hearing a single word
spoken by a politician in the post-television era, since none of that creature’s
words is even remembered or is worth remembering. That’s because the inhuman
leaders never say anything! Their crafty pseudo-statements cancel each other
out like matter and antimatter, leaving only the vague impression that a VIP
has just been there on the screen but has since vanished as soon as the viewer
becomes bored and changes the channel. What lingers isn’t useful info or a political
promise offered in good faith, but the pretense that the democratic society is
peaceful and high-minded. See how the leaders are no blood-thirsty tyrants but
are suit-wearing, well-spoken men and women, trustworthy professionals who have
the public’s best interest at heart! After all, they subject themselves to
interrogations by a ferocious press, don’t they? And they don’t storm out of
the room or have the interviewer arrested when pressed on some unpleasant
subject. No, they merely tame the interviewers, stroking their egos by giving
them access to the dark powers that be in the first place; they exploit the
fact that American journalism is a business owned by multinationals that profit
not from subversive investigations but from infotainment; and they merely ignore
any wayward question that slips through the cracks, running out the clock until
the next block of ads, with their trusty talking points. Thus together, the
politicos, courtiers, and neopeasants preserve the illusion of a functioning,
inoffensive democracy. This is the cost of advancing from an old-fashioned
tyranny to a free society. We’re free from oppression so we can be ourselves,
even as we’ve been degraded so none of us deserves to live; we’re free to speak
our mind, even as we have no idea what ought to be said; we’re free to go
wherever we want, even as the fraud of our civilization has rendered all places
absurd. Wake me when it’s time to vote, won’t you? So I can smear my feces all
over the ballot.