Thursday, July 25, 2024

On Medium: Speaker Mike Johnson Hides the Medieval Essence of Conservatism

Read on about Mike Johnson's "seven core principles of conservatism," and why the real difference between conservatives and liberals shouldn’t surprise you.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

On Medium: The Claptrap of “Trump Derangement Syndrome”

Here's an article that exposes the laziness of Republicans’ Orwellian gaslighting about their critics' supposed mental disorder of noticing the egregiousness of American conservatism.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

On Medium: Big Tech Tribalism Crowds Out Science’s Humanist Ethos

Here's an article about the irony of capitalism’s neofeudal impact on society, and the clash between science's humanism and capitalism's fostering of tribalism.

Monday, July 22, 2024

On Medium: The Technological Test of Human Pride

Here's an article about how technological progress inadvertently puts to the test liberal myths since if machines and AI can replace us, there's no basis for human pride.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

On Medium: Prehistoric Anarchists, Civilized Masters and Slaves, and Alienated Posthumans

Read on about the history of our shifting environments, from the wilderness, to semi-artificial and automated societies, to fully-automated ones that make us obsolete.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

On Medium: From Eckhart Tolle’s “Power of Now” to the Horror of Nature

Read on about pantheism, the artist’s perspective on perceptions, and the horror of recognizing the mindless artistry behind the qualia found in any present moment.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

On Medium: The Lame Pearl-Clutching After the Attempted Assassination of Trump

Here's an article about the elite liberals' lame reaction to the near assassination of Trump, and how Democrats need Superman now to defeat Trump’s bid for reelection.

Monday, July 15, 2024

On Medium: Cosmic Neutrality and the Paradox of the Bodhisattva’s Virtue

Read on about the difference between philosophical and politically correct understandings of Buddhism, and how the enlightened Buddhist should be as inhuman as the universe.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

On Medium: Psychopathy is the Linchpin of Civilizations

Here's an article about the history of how urban environments have sorted us like wild animals because psychopaths were needed initially to promote and to secure states.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

On Medium: Should an Immune Biden Order Trump’s Assassination?

Here's an article about the potential for exquisite poetic justice for Trump, and how the Trumpian Supreme Court revealed there’s no such thing as conservative legal philosophy.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

On Medium: Trump is a Flawless American Christian

Read on about how Trump is methodically, if not doctrinally a Christian, and how Christianity perverted itself for centuries so Evangelicals could idolize Trump.

Monday, July 8, 2024

On Medium: The Quixotic Quest for Cosmic Progress

Here's an article about humanist aspirations for progress, the disappointments of history, and whether an anti-natural stance is even metaphysically possible.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

On Medium: Trendy Liberals are Too Tribal to Help Us All Progress

Here's an article about climate’s impact on culture, the burden of politically correct niceties, and why science should be evaluated on humanistic, not tribal grounds.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

On Medium: The Debacle of the Biden-Trump Debate

Read on about self-sabotaging Democrats, the road to the American apocalypse, and the full extent of Biden's failure in his June 2024 debate with Trump.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

On Medium: The Contrivance of the Risen Jesus’s Short Time on Earth

Here's an article about the suspicious interval that accounts for why the risen Jesus didn't remain longer to provide better evidence for Christianity in the long run.

Monday, July 1, 2024

On Medium: Enlightened Buddhists Shouldn’t be Compassionate

Read on about innocuous epiphanies, the false front of Buddhist morality, and whether the nihilism of adopting the cosmic perspective is fit only for transhumans.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

On Medium: The Neoshamans of Standup Comedy

Here's an article about the neoshamanic role of the standup comedian, a taboo-breaker who heroically prompts us to laugh at our absurd existential condition.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

On Medium: Trump’s an Avatar of Nature’s Inhumanity

Read on about the cosmic roles of liberalism and conservativism, and why it's a gross understatement to say that Trump poses an "inappropriate" "danger" to democracy.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

On Medium: No, Secular Humanists Don’t Owe Their Morals to Christianity

Here's an article that lambastes Tom Holland’s specious remarks on liberalism and the American culture war, in his book Dominion, and why humanism doesn't depend on Christianity.

Monday, June 24, 2024

On Medium: The World Can be Sacred to Atheists Too

Read on about how atheists needn't deny the validity of a spiritual relationship to the world's sacredness, contrary to John Vervaeke’s weaselly resort to “nontheism.”

Thursday, June 20, 2024

On Medium: Art’s Purpose When AIs Generate All Possible Contents

Read on about why human artists will carry on even when AIs dwarf human abilities by producing all possible human art and storing it on a mighty thumb drive.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

On Medium: Trump’s the Worst and the Best Nominee for American President

Read on about the paradox of how Trump is both the worst and the best nominee for American president, to gain insight into American culture and politics.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

On Medium: The Perverse Thanking of Christendom for Modern Progress

Here's an article that exposes the fallacies and sophistries from Tom Holland’s book Dominion about how modern secular progress derives exclusively from Christendom.

Monday, June 17, 2024

On Medium: Prophets and Saints are Always on Their Death Bed

Read on about how only few of us train for dying with “spiritual” philosophy, by keeping in mind the subversive awareness of our dire existential condition.

Friday, June 14, 2024

On Medium: Trump’s Hyperreality and the Dread of Culture Creation

Read on about the naivety of Democrats’ fascination with Trump’s mere “lies,” and Trump's superpower of creating the hyperreality of a conservative culture.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

On Medium: Catholic Sanctimony and the Alleged Naturalness of Moral law

Here's an article on the Catholic Catechism’s lame attempt to assimilate ancient Greco-Roman philosophy, resulting in the dubious and offensive natural moral law theory.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

On Medium: What is Life’s Cosmic Role?

Read on about the mystic's obligation to explain whether we're slaves to nature’s evolution, trapped in some cosmic role, or bridges to an unnatural order.

Monday, June 10, 2024

On Medium: The Clash Between Daoists, Buddhists, and Modern Humanists

Here's an article that compares some countercultural and mainstream philosophies, showing how secular humanism is a counter-revolt against neoshamanic criticisms of civilized social conventions.

Friday, June 7, 2024

On Medium: There is No Pure Adulthood for Civilized Folks

Here's an article about the different types of childishness and maturity for society’s losers and winners, or for the countercultural outsiders and the mainstream professionals.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

On Medium: Why are the Planet’s Hottest Places Still War Torn?

Read on about the hypothesis that climate affects our ability to think well, which accounts for why military conflicts are currently concentrated in the planets' tropical regions.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

On Medium: The Daoist’s Futile Rejection of Humanism

Here's an article about the ironies and double standards of Daoism, and how human progress is possible in nature despite the Daoist’s implicit nihilism.

Monday, June 3, 2024

On Medium: The Social Butterfly’s Flight from Atheism

Read on about the difference between socializing and philosophical atheists, and how politicized atheism drives out secularists who lack philosophical grounding.

Friday, May 31, 2024

On Medium: Do the Enlightened Few have Moral Obligations?

Here's a dialogue on whether wisdom entails the renunciation of vulgar norms, and specifically whether traditional or modern sages should indulge in sex.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

On Medium: The Ironic Nostalgia for Childhood Naivety

Read on about the irony of nostalgia for the joys and freedoms of childhood since most adults are more childish than they presume.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

On Medium: Confronting an Islamist Diatribe Against Modernity

Read on about how despite the flaws of modern progress in America and Israel, the Islamist invitation to return to medieval-style traditions should be unwelcome.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

On Medium: Is America being Punished with a Dark Age for Abandoning its "Christian" Roots?

Here's an article that sorts through a Christian nationalist’s doubletalk, showing how modern conservatives rationalize their Trumpism with gross distortions of history and theology.

Monday, May 27, 2024

On Medium: Jordan Peterson Thinks Atheism is Groundless

Read on to sort through some of Jordan Peterson's conservative confusions and sophistries about religion to see why atheism is far from currently groundless.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

On Medium: Left-Wing Decadence and the Return of Matriarchal Culture

Read on about corporate and technological infantilization of consumers, and why that process might be complemented by a surge of matriarchal, feminine values.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

On Medium: The Charade of the “Pro-Life” Stance on Abortion

Here's an article about the conservative's sophistries about the abortion of fetuses, and why we humour the conservative’s toothless threats against modernity.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

On Medium: Larry David: A Scapegoated Jewish Antihero

Read on about the hidden meanings of Judaism and of "Curb Your Enthusiasm," and the fate of the indignant satirist who thwarts a Kafkaesque bureaucracy.

Monday, May 20, 2024

On Medium: Is Moral Cooperation Rooted in Nature’s Productivity?

Read on about the progressive revolt against natural norms, and whether game theory shows that morality only repurposes the productivity built into nature's mathematical order.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

On Medium: What if the Universe is All in God’s Head?

Here's an article that tests the merits of naturalism and metaphysical idealism, asking whether matter is real or whether only minds and their contents exist.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

On Medium: Techno-Toys Don’t Make the Transhuman

Read on about the message of transhumanist science fiction that hides in plain sight since these stories are about secular humanism's impact on us and the planet here and now.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

On Medium: Dispense with the Confused Ambition of Earning “F-You Money”

Here's an article about the popular goal of earning financial independence as a way to brush off social demands, and why the poor are likely mentally freer than the rich.

Monday, May 13, 2024

On Medium: The Terrors of Outer Space and Deep Time

Read on about how the source of cosmic horror is surprisingly something near and familiar, namely our conscious self, not the remoteness of faraway places or times.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

On Medium: When Misanthropes Claim the Moral High Ground

Here's an article about the perversity and incoherence of preachy antinatalism, and how moralistic misanthropes resemble Hippies who want to retain their idealism even after their experience and worldview exclude it.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

On Medium: Trumpian Israel Meets Arab Medievalism

Here's an article about Israel's Trumpian regime, the Muslim world's medievalism, and how to see past the Western Left’s one-sided assessment of the Israel-Hamas conflict.

On Medium: Decrying the Prosperity Gospel of Americanized Christianity

Read on about how Joel Osteen's Americanized prosperity gospel is just one more mainstream debasement of Jesus’s subversive ethos.

Monday, May 6, 2024

On Medium: The Prospect of Tragic Heroism in the Cosmic Scheme

Here's an article about why we should begin philosophizing by contemplating the worst-case existential scenario since that raises the stakes of our potential heroism.