Sunday, August 23, 2020

On Medium: Consciousness and Rankings in the Labyrinth

This article expands on my naturalistic explanation of consciousness, using an existential perspective to assess the social hierarchies of spirituality and secular materialism.


  1. Yes, human beings who are less existentially evolved are less likely to be human, literally speaking, with less of what make us singular or apart from other living beings, self awareness and consequent introspection. Based on this fundamental criteria, "fascists" or a groups i define as "extremist authoritarians" (which include fake communists) and or "ultraconservatives" (more specifically) would fit perfectly to the category of subhumanity. Nazis were right about human hierarchy but completely wrong that they are in the "top".

    All nonhuman animals are selfcentrist. For an ant there is only one world, its own world. Religion is a human artfact to recreate this natural alienation which is absolute for another lifeforms but based on language/culture instead instincts itself if human inteligence evolved from supression of absolute instinct mode, dislearning instinct to learn consciously. Religion is metaphorically comparable to pacemaker. It's an artificial way primitive humans did (and do) to make sense recreating lost instinctive selfcentric representation of world.

    Alienation in my view is mostly based on levels of subject's experience of time. Less alienated you are, more absorbed by time's ephemerality you are. If you know you are losing all the time, you tend to become more melancholic and maybe humble about reality. The most alienated simply are too distracted from Time relentless passage. Then you can believe in silly things like "my race is superior than you". Everything we do is to be distracted from time. Some people knows that. Others simply have no clue. I believe in major three consciousness levels: realism, surrealism and hyperrealism. All nonhuman living beings experience realism because they no have the luxury to deny facts, mostly do instinctively. Human beings are mostly surrealist. We believe a bank note worth more than a real thing, a life, for example. We are the mad of life's realm while we are only one to reach the hyperrealism. The hyperrealistic is the individual who truly experience the totality of time, its past, present and future, yes, the least alienated. The great music is mostly based on this melancholic perception.

  2. Surrealists experience time's ephemerality but they escape from direct confrontation by religion, mundanity or non empowered cults.

    1. That's an interesting hierarchy, from realism to surrealism to hyperrealism. Adam Curtis's documentary, Hypernormalization, talks about hyperreality as tangled up with surrealism. He points out that the Soviet Union's constant deception wasn't fooling anyone because the cynical Russians eventually were inured to it and treated it as normal; thus, Russians lived in a fantasy they regarded as normal. Their culture was surreal but also normalized and thus hyperreal. The same can be said about Trump's presidency.

      Not sure I got your point about alienation and time. Are you saying alienated people ignore or are somehow outside the passage of time, whereas happy people are absorbed by time in the sense that they're preoccupied with the minutia of their lives? That wouldn't quite make sense, though, since happiness would require not experiencing time at the meta level. It would be the happy folks who ignore time in Heidegger's sense, since they would ignore their mortality, the inevitability of death, because they wouldn't focus on the essence of time but only on distractions that naturally (almost incidentally) happen within time.

    2. No, no. Alienated people are definitely assynchronous with the integral perception of time, that's why they are more distracted or happy. Hyperrealism is exactly when we start to follow integral passage of time, cold past, hot present and anxious future instead become absorbed by everyday tasks and mundane aspirations. Hyperrealism is the evolution of realism while surrealism is a deviation or escape, or an intermediary step. Most realistic humans tend to be selfish godless, choleric, the kind which believe in animalistic fallacy, that morality is intrinsically relative instead qualitatively accumulative. Trump is an example. Most hyperrealistic humans are also godless but melancholic because following the time integrally cause us the feeling of constant lost, what the time really is.

      My concept of hyperrealism is when we reach for the essential truths as well against human imagination historically treated as true. For example, that we are in the "2020 ac" year but in the true the planet has ~ 5 billion years old.

      Surrealism is exactly what it means, the domination of fantasy over reality. Realism is in the food chain mentality. Is the perceived reality by animal like adaptation. Hyperrealism is out of it. It's highest understanding of reality humans can reach. The most important truths are not the most difficult to know but to accept.
