Wednesday, September 14, 2022

On Medium: A Clash of Pantheisms

Here's an article about how to preserve humanistic morality after nature’s re-enchantment, and why we should be dualistic rather than monistic pantheists.


  1. Human life grows cheaper with every mewling, puking infant that is born. Any form of birth control, no matter how unjust or extreme, is preferable to that tyranny exercised so criminally now by those who, in their filth, stupidity, rut and obnoxious lust, blindly and selfishly birth endlessly forth their disgusting progeny in chaotic, cancerous growth, shoving and forcing the guilty in with the innocent in this already over-stuffed planetary rat-box of accelerating madness and asphyxation. - E.E. Rehmus

    1. That's a mouthful. As well as puking, infants smile, laugh, and play.
