Tuesday, November 1, 2022

On Medium: Why Disneyland and Heaven are for Children

Read on to compare the childlike aspects of spirituality and consumerism, and to see how secular society co-opts religious ideals with a degraded form of childishness.


  1. The will and emotion of man crave conditions that do not and never will exist, so that the wise man is he who kills will and emotion to a degree enabling him to despise life and sneer at its puerile illusions and insubstantial goals. The wise man is a laughing cynic; he takes nothing seriously, ridicules earnestness and zeal, and wants nothing because he knows that the cosmos holds nothing worth wanting.

    1. I see that that comes from a blog. I don't entirely agree with it, possibly because of my background in art which gives me some appreciation for the sublimity of nature's mysterious products. I agree with Nietzsche that we should look for an uplifting aspect of life's absurdity in nature, although I disagree with Nietzsche's social Darwinian solution.

      But I agree that intellectuals have some grounds to be elitist and condescending to the less reflective masses.
