Wednesday, January 29, 2020

On Medium: The Curse of Outer Beauty

Read this article to explore the mystery of why sexy or rich people aren't all Buddhists; after all, they have no reason to care if they meet with any setback in the romantic department, since they can always find a replacement partner.


  1. You nail it when you expand the meaning of everything. The average person delimits the acquisitiveness of the Narcissist or the sociopath, let's say. It is true the Narcissist or sociopath wants the most money, property, status and acclaim. However, why draw the limit at those maximums when the Narcissist or sociopath knows no limits. They want the most understanding given to them; the most forgiveness; the most space; the most consideration and patience afforded them because injury and insult to them are the most wounding. No one suffers as much as the pathological narcissist.

    1. If a narcissist is like a spoiled child, I can see why the narcissist would suffer a lot in throwing tantrums whenever he doesn't get exactly what he wants. Donald Trump is known to throw plenty of tantrums behind the scenes.

      However, the narcissist may lack the kind of suffering that requires a conscience and the capacity for shame. He'd be unable to feel guilt from failing to live up to a moral ideal.

  2. I believe Patrick Duffy is a Buddhist.

    1. As is Richard Gere, but the mystery (which isn't really a mystery) is why they're some only exceptions.

  3. It may be hagiography, but Buddha himself has been described in the Tripitaka as a very handsome man. Before, I had always imagined him as an overweight asian guy; but if I am to believe the scriptures he actually had a bronzed, athletic body, blue eyes and blond hair; and of course he was a prince to boot. Sounds like a description straight of a Disney film.

    1. That may indeed be hagiography. Just as in reality I'd expect beautiful or rich people to be disproportionately self-centered and anti-philosophical, I'd expect spiritual, philosophical, or highly moral people to be more often than not poor or physically unattractive. (When I say in the article that the lack of Buddhism on the part of beautiful people is mysterious, I'm being facetious, of course).

      Withdrawal from the world is much easier if you lack the temptations that come from being rich or beautiful. That's why the story of the Buddha as a prince who gives up his privileges is so powerful. It's also why the story of Batman resonates.
