Tuesday, November 16, 2021

On Medium: Religious Faith: A Free Pass In A Trivial Game

Here's an article about the dubious role of religious faith in the transition from animistic magic, through polytheism, to monotheistic alienation and secularism.


  1. As a follow up to my comment on your article on antinatalism, I would also recommend checking the following posts and the comments made there:



    I also think I saw existential goof write somewhere in his Reddit comments that they would eventually have to resort to "extra-democratic" means in order to accomplish the agenda, even if it causes people to suffer, since that doesn't amount to much in comparison with all the "prevented potential suffering". Once again, this is the cost of neglecting (illogically, in my view) the fundamental reality of the positive aspects of life. One example of this would be to understand that an important reason for our non-interfernce in increasing pleasure is that people can usually live happy lives without soliciting interminable external intervention.

    Once again, your post was excellent.
    Hope you have a nice weekend ahead.

    1. I'm not planning on doing a series on antinatalism, unless maybe Existential Goof replies. The topic doesn't interest me much.

    2. It doesn't interest me, but it sometimes concerns me.

  2. Regarding the point you made about suicide not always being rational, Existential goof seems to believe that most (or all) psychiatry is a pseudoscience and depression is totally rational.
    See his replies here (particularly the part about the hopeful side of us being an "addicted moron): https://www.reddit.com/r/BirthandDeathEthics/comments/qqhxk3/fighting_against_mental_health_system_is_the_only/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

    1. I also have some criticisms of psychiatry, and I've argued that anxiety can be rational or at least understandable. The DSM definition of mental illness is suspicious. But I'm aware that many mental illnesses are really neurological conditions that have no upside.

  3. Final edit: He's not just an antinatalist; he's a promortalist/efilist. They believe that killing oneself is always rational and good. Potential risks are all that matter and potential opportunities don't (apparently). The only reason they don't actively kill people (something goof hints at in his comments) is due to the negative consequences it could have, such as discrediting efilism.
